Update Huawei Freebuds to newest Software Version V1.196

Huawei's Freebuds came out in Mid 2018 - since then, there have been plenty of Updates. In case you havent heard of these things, you may want to read my review of them - if you however you are already using them, you may be interested in their newest update. Once again, the patch notes are Kind of a bummer. Basically, every update "Improves stability", but thats about as informative as it gets. Also, I havent actually noticed any increase in stability. Still, its good to see that at least something is happening software-wise. How to update 1. Download App Download "FreeBuds Assistant" from PlayStore. 2. Go to your Bluetooth Settings and remove the Pairing to your freebuds. 3. Make sure the buds are sitting firm in the case, and the case is charged at least to a Level where indicator LED is no longer red. 4. Open the case, then start up the "FreeBuds Assistant". Follow the instructions in the apps update process. 5...