
Zebra TC56 Android updaten ohne SD-Karte

Zebra TC56 u.Ä. Android updaten ohne SD-Karte o.Ä. Benötigtes: ·          Aktuelles Androidpaket für Zebra, z.B. è GMS = Google managed services. Bei uns: Immer Nicht-GMS-Geräte. è „Full Image“ der gewünschten Android-Version è   ·          USB-Adapter/Kabel für das Zebra è Einzelne Ladestation „Sharecradle-01“ hat hinten einen Micro-USB Anschluss, funktioniert wie ein USB-Kabel. Alternativ geht natürlich auch ein Spezialkabel von Zebra (hatte ich aber nicht im Zugriff). ·          Android-USB-Treiber für Zebra o   ·          Android Platform Tools (eingedampfte ADB-Schnittstelle) https://developer.and...

Jailbreaks are no longer outlaw, but law enforcement

Jailbreaks are no longer outlaw, but now turned law enforcement Like a lot of IT-guys, I spent a lot of my free time in the past few weeks watching 36c3 talks. This one sparked my interest. Its about a new kind of jailbreak called "checkra1n". This software exploits a bug at the very core of apples iDevices up to the A11 processor. This bug is part of some code thats basically burned into your iPhone with no chance of apple ever fixing it with any update. Now from my perspective, jailbreaks are basically just for fun. You can use them to run homebrew software or pirate software (thats mean dont do that). Also, for older iDevices, they are actually one of the few ways of getting any software on there - with 32-bit devices, you wont get a functioning version of Netflix or Facebook from the Apple Appstore anymore. Theres another perspective though: Apple devices are known for their security, even F.B.I doesnt know how to bypass their security . This means that ther...